An online campaign was organized to ask President Obama about legalizing marijuana on the WH Web Site. This commentary shows the top questions that were asked to the President about pot. Majority of the questions asked in this campaign were about how the legalization of pot will help the economy and make millions of tax money. No question was really based on a medical point of view or really worth the effort to answer. Questions were based on how marijuana is less harmful then cigarettes and alcohol so why not legalize it. The President in return to the questions just laughed and said no. This had upset many people but as the author wrote it is not the Presidents fault since the campaign was a flop to start with. No President in his right mind would think about legalizing pot fully. If questions and concerns in the medical field for marijuana were brought up maybe this could have led to something, but making pot legal 100% is political suicide for anyone. The author’s intended audience is the people who are upset with Obama for rejecting the legalization of marijuana. I agree with him that it should not be the President at fault but the campaign that was not well organized with the right questions to ask. It is good to think about the economy at this certain point, but thinking of only the economy is not enough. People need to think about the other consequences that can occur with legalizing marijuana and not only about making a few bucks right now.