Friday, April 24, 2009

I Agree!!!!

The Democratic Party of New York really needs to get there act straightened out with how they are spending tax payers money and putting it back into the system.  Even though there is money going into good cause such as the seizing of drug use as well as helping the poor and seniors of the community; money is being used unnecessarily into the Empire Zone Program and useless clubs of people that don’t need the money.  Also giving money to party helpers which I think is ridiculous and is playing the government.  I agree with the author and his reason to go against the Democratic terms of thinking.  They think that these plans of there will help the economy of New York but it is just giving them more of a state deficit.  This will not help at all in the long term especially with the national economy down.  Caring about the party and there helpers is not the role of government.  This is just a road down to corruption and waste of taxpayer’s money which they work hard to earn.  If the Democratic Party does not straighten out how they use the government budget then taxpayers will start asking where their money is going.  

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